Moby Dick - Herman Melville (Reading and Training B2.1 + Audio CD)
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When Ishmael sets sail on the whaling ship Pequod one cold Christmas Day, he has no idea of the horrors awaiting him out on the vast and merciless ocean. The ship's strange captain, Ahab, is in the grip of an obsession to hunt down the famous white whale, Moby Dick, and will stop at nothing on his quest to annihilate his nemesis.
Includes an introduction about Herman Melville and a full recording of the text.
Niveaus / levels:
A1 - beginner
B1.1 - beginner / half gevorderde
B1.2 - half gevorderde
B2.1 - half gevorderde / gevorderde
B2.2 - gevorderde
C1 - gevorderde